DATE PAID____________
NEW MEMBER(S): (circle one)
DATE of MEETING_______
Annual Dues:

____$10.00 Single Membership (1 adult vote)
____$12.50 Dual Membership (2 adult votes- MUST be living in the same household)
____$3.00 Jr. Membership ages (8-17 years old) (non-voting) DOB:__________
New Member________  Renewal________
Name #1____________________________ Name #2_________________________
Phone #1___________________________  Phone #2 _________________________
Email #1____________________________ Email #2__________________________
Web address__________________________________________________________
Check here if you want your link to be included on our web page: _____
Are you currently a member of the Australian Shepherd Club of America? (circle one)
   Yes      No   If yes what is your ASCA #___________Exp. Date: _________
New membership applications are voted on by the members present at the meetings.
Club requires the individuals to adhere to the ASCA by-laws, CASC by-laws and policies.
Club dues are based upon an annual membership which is renewed each year in Jan.

The membership criteria of the C.A.S.C. is consistent with A.S.C.A. By-laws Article IV, with the
following exceptions:
              A.     All Applications for membership will be in writing and will be submitted to the club Board
                       of Directors prior to being voted on by the current Club membership at the next scheduled
                       Club meeting.  Acceptance requires two-thirds of the voting member’s present approval.
              B.     Annual dues are $10.00 for a single voting membership, $12.50 for a dual membership, and
                      $3.00 for a nonvoting Junior membership.
                      1. Membership dues are effective January 1 of each calendar year.  The club Secretary will
                          notify each member in writing by December 1st of each calendar year.
Membership dues are effective January 1st of each year, per CASC by-laws, with the following policies.
              A.     All members are required to attend one meeting per year to stay active.
              B.     All memberships are considered lapsed if dues are not received by the club secretary or  post
                       marked by March 1st. Thus making the lapsed member a new applicant.
              C.     All new applicants for membership must be present at a meeting to introduce themselves
                      before they will be voted on by the present membership. *Or have a sponsor to stand in for
                      them at a meeting who is already a club member and who can introduce you to the membership.

Make all checks payable to: Cascade Australian Shepherd Club and mail to

Cascade Australian Shepherd Club
PO BOX 2396
Vancouver, WA  98668-2393

I/We agree to adhere to the by-laws of the Australian Shepherd Club of America and to the
by-laws of the Cascade Australian Shepherd Club and any appropriate Code of Ethics clauses
that appear in conjunction with those by-laws.

New Memberships: DO NOT include your dues, but be prepared to pay them at your first meeting when you are voted in.